Human Tracks" es el nombre de una colección de trabajos musicales que tiene la intención de reflejar la historia del viaje humano desde un punto de vista alternativo. "HEQ" es una inolvidable y maravillosa novela escrita por un destacado escritor danés llamado Jørn Riel
que fue la inspiración para este album, que le dedico como pequeño tributo en agradecimiento por las horas de placer que su literatura ha generosamente dado al mundo.
Ha sido editado por Clinical Archives el 11 de mayo de 2009. Descargado 19,033 veces.
que fue la inspiración para este album, que le dedico como pequeño tributo en agradecimiento por las horas de placer que su literatura ha generosamente dado al mundo.
Ha sido editado por Clinical Archives el 11 de mayo de 2009. Descargado 19,033 veces.
Escrita en "Engendered from Divine Breath"
The opening track Ancestors begins with tribal shamanic voices to get developed into easy orchestrated and subtle passages. It sounds like the members of Penguin Cafe Orchestra are searching the way out of the forest while adjusting to the patterns of it just in a case. These drum lines are not program-based electronic urban jungles though. The following The New Land whirls around looped vocal experiments and the sounds very reminiscent of glass harmonica. In fact, all the following tracks are based on these weird sounding instruments, running through its various phrases in different orders of succession. You can`t be wrong it you call it an album of minimal music.I could only imagine is it a kind of music inspired mostly of the plateaus of Patagonia, of its hollow soundscapes, of cold winds and deep lakes? My feeling about this closeness to Nature herein is dredged by bird calls set in in some songs. This sound is raised aloft, being sublime, calm and soothing. Sometimes sonic milieu is very threnodial as well (Shanuq). If you are searching for the examples of untemporary music by any reason of all of this you want to you could dig it up from here.On this album are joined a lot of different aspects with each other into unfixed rows in general intent. In fact, specific rows will be generated in the head of every listener. Yes, if this is chill-out music it is serious
G R A C I A S !